SUMMARY: Foreigners may immigrate to BC if they can get a job offer in one of 29 tech occupations under the BC PNP Tech category. The BC PNP Tech category is one of the fastest ways to obtain permanent residence in BC, Canada.
The BC PNP Tech category is a prioritized option for immigration to BC. This immigration category falls under the Skills Immigration stream of BC PNP. The reason tech jobs are prioritized over all other professions is because tech jobs are understood to contribute most highly to the economic growth of BC.
There are a few features of the BC PNP Tech category that makes it a preferable immigration category than the other categories. First, the BC PNP tech category has a specialized government department designed to help tech employers in BC which eases the immigration process of employees. Second, the BC PNP Tech offers weekly invitations to apply for permanent residence, which is much more often than most other categories. Lastly, applications for immigration through the BC PNP Tech category are expedited and processed faster than the other categories.
While applications under BC PNP Tech category are prioritized over applications in the other categories the BC PNP Tech program is still part of the “Skills Immigration” program. As a result, once you have obtained a job offer in one of the 29 occupations for the BC PNP Tech category, you must still register and apply to the applicable Skills Immigration stream, which would be one of either the Skilled Worker stream, Healthcare Professional stream, International Graduate stream, or International Post-Graduate stream.
Before applying with the BC PNP Tech category, it is important to know if you are even eligible. Below is a high-level list of the eligibility requirements for applying under the Skills Immigration option:
Income requirements: | Same as applicable category for BC PNP Skills Immigration (include link to Skill Immigration article) |
Language requirements: | Same as applicable category for BC PNP Skills Immigration (include link to Skill Immigration article) |
Work Experience: | Same as applicable category for BC PNP Skills Immigration (include link to Skill Immigration article) |
Education: | Same as applicable category for BC PNP Skills Immigration (include link to Skill Immigration article) |
Job Offer requirements: | The job offer must be for at least one full year (365 days) in length. At the date of the application, there must be a minimum of 120 days remaining on the job offer and the offer must be for one of the 29 eligible occupations for the BC PNP Tech category. A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is not requires for the BC PNP Tech program. |
For more information on the requirements for the BC PNP Skills Immigration applications and the general categories for application, please see the following article: [insert hyperlink to Skills Immigration article].
In order to qualify for the BC PNP Tech category, you need to have a job offer in one of the following 29 occupations:
Telecommunication carrier managers |
Computer and information systems managers |
Managers – publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts |
Civil engineers |
Mechanical Engineers |
Electronical and electronics engineers |
Chemical engineers |
Computer engineers (not including software engineers and designers) |
Information system analysts and consultants |
Database analysts and data administrators |
Software engineers and designers |
Computer programmers and interactive media developers |
Web designers and developers |
Biological technologists and technicians |
Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians |
Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment) |
Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics |
Computer network technicians |
User support technicians |
Information systems testing technicians |
Authors and writers |
Editors |
Translators, terminologists and interpreters |
Broadcast technicians |
Audio and video recording technicians |
Other technical and co-ordinating occupations in broadcasting and performing arts |
Supporting occupations in photography, film, broadcasting, and performing arts |
Graphic designers and illustrators |
Technical sales specialists – wholesale trade |
PROCEDURE: While the timelines are shorter, the procedure for applying to the BC PNP Tech category is the same procedure as with the Skills Immigration and Express Entry category. It is important to understand that the BC PNP Tech program is not distinct from the other categories in the “Skills Immigration and Express Entry” category. This means that you can benefit from the BC PNP Tech Program and still apply to another BC PNP category in the Skills Immigration or Express Entry streams.
The process begins with an online registration with BC PNP online where you make a profile and provide the details of your job offer, education, income, language, work experience etc.
Once this is complete, you may receive an invitation to apply. For the BC PNP Tech category, these invitations are delivered each week, however there is no guarantee you will get an invitation even if your registration is perfect and competitive. However, if you do receive an invitation, then you can apply to the BC PNP for a nomination to apply to the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for a permanent residence. Generally, BC PNP Tech applications will be processed in around three months.
If you are nominated to apply to the IRCC, you must submit an application for permanent residence. Application approval with the IRCC usually takes less than six months. If this application is approved, then you will get a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) and a permanent residence visa. While waiting for the permanent residence visa, you can also apply for a work permit with a work permit support letter that can be issued alongside your invitation.
Disclaimer: This information is provided for informational purposes only and is not legal advice. The information and facts referred to herein may be amended, removed or otherwise changed by the applicable government authority. As such, the information contained herein is provided with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness.