Professional Visa
Consulatation for $5
Speak with an immigration professional,
Clarify your visa application process for only $5 USD
The Immigration Professional will analyze your assessment questionnaire data to ensure that they have a good understanding of your personal profile and the visa options available to you before your consultation. This will allow them to give a highly informed and productive consultation call.
Please prepare any questions that you may have before your meeting.
Get Matched to an Expert
Maximize your visa success chances
Aliro's matching algorithm will provide you with discounted consultations with licensed Immigration Professionals who are top experts in the visa you are most likely to receive.
Only Reliable & Trustworty Immigration Professionals
All Immigration Professionals in Aliro are licensed through their country’s official immigration authority, and 100% trustworthy!
Visa Consultation at $5
Consult with up to 2 of your chosen immigration professionals for only $5 !
Personal Visa Support
Your chosen Immigration Consultant or Lawyer will constantly support and guide you through calls, chat, and email. Additionally, Aliro will also provide extra support before your Visa application and through your Immigration process.
Consult About All Visas
Visa Consultation for $5
If your Global Assessment results show that you qualify for one or more visas, you will be eligible to schedule a consultation at the price of $5. You can browse our Marketplace of licensed Immigration Professionals, filter them according to your needs and schedule a consultation by clicking the ‘Schedule Consultation’ button.
If you qualify for one or more visas after completing our Global Assessment, you are eligible to claim up to two 15 minute consultations with the Immigration Professionals of your choice, at the pruce of $5.
In the consultation, you and your Immigration Professional will talk through your individual visa options, the visa application process, the contract and the price of the contract (which is negotiable between you and your Immigration Professional). You will also be able to ask any questions that you may have.How long is the consultation?
The $5 consultation is limited to 15 minutes.
If your Global Assessment results show that you do not yet qualify for any type of visa, you will not yet be eligible to schedule a $5 15 minute consultation. This is because the purpose of the consultation is for you and your chosen Immigration Professional to discuss your specific visa options and your visa application process. If this is the case for you, we recommend that you enroll onto our Academic Consulting Program and/or Language Course to increase your visa eligibility.